Unpacking Education & Tech Talk For Teachers

Digital Learning Day 2025

AVID Open Access Season 4 Episode 65

In today’s episode, we'll review the themes of Digital Learning Day 2025 and explore ways that you and your students can participate. Visit AVID Open Access to learn more. 

#365 — Digital Learning Day 2025

AVID Open Access
6 min

Digital Learning Day, February 13, all for Ed, technology in education, sharing stories, digital connection card, event planning, live broadcast, innovative career pathways, AI potential, digital literacy, student creativity, social media hashtag, educator inspiration, community engagement


Paul Beckermann 0:01 
Welcome to Tech Talk for Teachers. I'm your host, Paul Beckermann.

Student 0:06 
Check it out. Check it out. Check it out. Check it out. What's in the toolkit? What is in the toolkit? Check it out.

Paul Beckermann 0:16 
The topic of today's episode is Digital Learning Day 2025.

Every year, the All4Ed organization sponsors Digital Learning Day. This year, it's going to take place on February 13. You can learn more about it on their website at all4ed.org and the four is a number four, so it's all-number four-ed.org. Now I know you're busy, so for this episode, I'm going to give you the highlights of the event as well as share some of the ways that you can participate. It's a great opportunity to recognize and celebrate the incredible digital learning practices that are happening all across the nation.

In fact, All4Ed has established this day as a way to celebrate educators who use technology to empower and inspire students, to honor students for their creativity and adaptability in a digital world, and to showcase schools that foster connection, engagement, and innovation through digital tools. Really, it's a celebration, and I hope you decide to join in this year. The theme is sharing the love of learning, teaching, and innovation. The All4Ed website explains that they're using this year to focus on how technology connects us, transforms education and brings heart into learning. Here are four ways that you can get involved.

Student 1:36 
Here is your list of tips.

Paul Beckermann 1:40 
Number one, spread the love. You can do this by sharing your own story on social media using the #DLDay for digital learning day. Share stories, photos and videos that highlight creative projects that are going on in your school and classroom. Collaborative tools you use and innovative strategies that you're using with your students. And because participants will be using the hashtag, you can search for that hashtag and see what others are doing as well.

Number two, create a digital connection card. You'll find directions and links for how to do this on the All4Ed website, simply choose one of the three love of learning templates that are linked there. You'll find versions for Educator, district, and organization. They're all made with Canva, and you can click the Use Template button to access the template and then personalize it with details of how you are innovating or connecting through digital learning. Then share your card on social media using the #DLDay, and also tag it with @officialDLday. All4Ed will re share your posts to spread the message, and as they say, spread the love.

Number three, you can plan a digital learning day event or activity. To call even more attention to Digital Learning Day, consider hosting some sort of event in your classroom, in your school or your district. It can be big or small, depending on your capacity to put something together. All4Ed offers some suggestions on their website to get you thinking. Here are a few ideas that they post. You can host a lesson that demonstrates how technology and innovation personalize learning and engage students. You can invite parents to join in a Digital Learning Day activity to build connections and understanding. You can partner with colleagues in your school to deliver a collaborative co teaching tech session. You could launch a student video contest in your school, or maybe your classroom, to showcase their digital learning stories and creativity. You can organize a tech night or community-based project to highlight future ready skills and workplace successes. Again, these are just ideas to get you brainstorming, and you can find more on the website.

And number four, register for Digital Learning Day live. On February 13, All4Ed will be broadcasting live. They'll be spotlighting districts and sharing stories about how technology is making a real difference. Tune in to hear special segments, guest hosts, live insights from top educators and organizations, and get ideas that you can use in your classroom or school. Topics will include innovative career pathways, the transformative potential of AI, the critical role of digital literacy, and more. There's a link to register for the event on the All4Ed website, so you can just go there, click the link, and put in your information. The broadcast will begin at 12pm Eastern Time on February 13, so put that on your calendar. So that's a summary of Digital Learning Day. And if you want to get all the details, go ahead and go to all4ed.org and review their posts about Digital Learning Day. All the information will be there for you.

To learn more about today's topic and explore other free resources, visit avidopenaccess.org. Specifically, I encourage you to check out our Digital Learning Day podcast from last year with Dr. Adam Phyall from All4Ed. He joined us to talk about what the day is about and ways that you can get involved. In fact, I'll leave you with a quote from Dr. Phyall from that episode. He says, "This is the time to really tell that story, to let folks know all the amazing things that are happening, not only in your discipline, but in education period, and give those students a time to shine. It's really about shining a light on the students and the amazing things they can create with technology." Check out the episode. I really think you'll like it. And of course, be sure to join Rena, Winston, and me every Wednesday for our full length podcast, Unpacking Education, where we're joined by exceptional guests, like Dr. Phyall, and explore education topics that are important to you. Thanks for listening, take care, and thanks for all you do. You make a difference.